Sitting with Stumps 2
Ruth Wallen Ruth Wallen

Sitting with Stumps 2

Sitting on top of the stump, gazing out to the valley, I couldn’t help but recall the photographs I had seen of five couples dancing on top of a stump with musicians lining the edge, or a second image showing a cotillion party of thirty-two.

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Walking with Oaks 4
Ruth Wallen Ruth Wallen

Walking with Oaks 4

A year ago, could I have imagined where we would find ourselves now? The stay at home order had just been declared, soon parks would be off limits. …..My conversation with the backpackers pointed to the concept of shifting-base lines, a shift in the expectation of, or understanding of, the normal.

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Sitting with Stumps 1
Ruth Wallen Ruth Wallen

Sitting with Stumps 1

As I’d approached the stump, the interpretive sign stated that it would have taken eighteen men with arms outstretched to encircle the “Chicago tree,” as it was called. It was cut down at considerable expense a hundred and thirty years ago and shipped off to the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893 to prove that such a large tree existed. In order to ship, it had to be cut into many pieces and reassembled. Fair goers weren’t convinced, calling the reassembled tree the “California hoax”.

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Walking with Oaks 2
Ruth Wallen Ruth Wallen

Walking with Oaks 2

It was as if all the trees were decked with lace…. The profusion of flowers, the utter abundance of blooms gracing every living tree was astonishing.

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Walking with Oaks 1
Ruth Wallen Ruth Wallen

Walking with Oaks 1

Why did I pick these oaks as the one place to visit at the onset of the current pandemic? What can these oaks teach me at this time?

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