ADD your thoughts about the sequoia growing in Burgh-Haamstede
Sequoia Sentinels are Asking for a Thousand Year Commitment- Seven Contemplations
Installation view
Text on stump
Installation view
Detail of text
Detail of text
Text on tree stump:
Listen to these seedlings. They are asking for a commitment to think like a sequoia, to think in tree time, to care for them for the next thousand years:
Instead of using up arable soil in the in the next fifty years, commit to nurturing the soil for the next thousand years.
Instead of continuing to extract carbon and burning it in the atmosphere, increase carbon sequestration in healthy soils.
Instead of poisoning the earth and waterways with pesticides and fertilizers and rupturing the soil fabric with periodic tilling, releasing more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, enrich the soil with compost, mulch and a variety of ground cover plants that increase soil carbon sequestration.
Instead of sterile monoculture, intercrop with trees and a variety of plants to allow each to contribute to the complex whole, adding minerals, fixing nitrogen, improving soil composition, and providing habitats for the natural predators of pests.
The Boole sequoia tree, over 2000 years old and the sixth largest in the world, was one of the only trees spared logging in Converse Basin.
Step into one the tree’s many cavities hollowed by ancient fire.
Step through this portal to imagine new ways of being and doing.
Take a card, write an offering to future generations, and hang it on a string. Add your comments here.